Tattoo is given unique meanings by you, representing the real you. It also tells your stories, your likings, your dreams.
Can you recall the very initiate reason why you got inked? Triggered by people not you, or you? What’s your emotional reaction towards it?
Yeah obviously you got yourself inked aims at keeping somebody or something in mind, but how could tattoos fade? Furthermore is to put the memories behind you.Memories sometimes fade, tattoos might also fade, indeed. But you can still keep them stunning and shining here. We are born to be your story-keeper. We will not let you down.
We respect you, as well as the world and the species. Animals are our friends, could be inked on our body instead of being tested. We guarantee 100% organic and targeted ingredients extracted from the Nature. Less stress but faster healing.
We can be your preference, YOKACOS always can.